My telephone number is wrong on the letter for interview. How can I correct it before my interview?

unemployed_personQ) My telephone number is wrong on the letter notifying me of my interview . How can I correct it before my interview so they can reach me ?

A) There are a few ways to correct your phone number on the letter notifying you of your interview.

  • Call the company and let them know. This is the most direct way to get the information updated. When you call, be sure to have the letter with you so you can give the company the correct phone number.
  • Email the company. If you don’t have time to call, you can also email the company. Be sure to include your name, the date of your interview, and the correct phone number in your email.
  • Send a letter. If you don’t have access to email or a phone, you can also send a letter to the company. Be sure to include your name, the date of your interview, and the correct phone number in your letter.

No matter which method you choose, be sure to correct the phone number as soon as possible so the company can reach you for your interview.

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